Monday, July 16, 2007

rock stacking

rock stacking
Originally uploaded by CREAMASTER.


Jane said...

Dear Mr. Dan
What led me to your site was the loss of a magnificent old tree on our front lawn of which we have kept a 4 foot high stump. I got to thinking of making some sort of rock sculpture to give some height back to this landscape. Your art has validated that this is the right direction to go.

Again, if you have a book, where might I find it?

Jane Woodruff

Jane said...

Dear Mr. Dan,

I just recently happened onto your blog when looking for information about rock sculptures. We recently lost a large old maple tree and are left with a four foot stump. I had thoughts of trying to put some sort of rock sculpture on it to give some height and beauty back to this landscape. Seeing your work validates that this is the way to go.

Do you have any books on your work?

Jane Woodruff

Jane said...

Mr. Dan, I have been looking to see if you have a book on your rock sculptures but have found none to date. Do you have any publication on your work?

I landed on your blog when I went looking on the net about rock sculptures. I was thinking of trying to place something on a tree stump to give beauty and verticality to counter the loss of our beloved maple tree.

Bill Dan said...

Hi Jane, for more infos You can leave Your email on My email account [ ],


Bill Dan